ChatGPT prompt bible

Udemy AI SEO course - also available on YouTube (by Julian Goldie)

  • Google says it will rank AI content
  • sometimes ChatGPT doesn’t listen to instructions so you always have to check
  1. see what competitors are already ranking on Google
  2. Install HeadingsMap Chrome plugin to extract headlines of their high ranking articles (3:05)
  3. Create an outline of an article using the headings gathered from competitors’ articles, or simply questions under “People also ask” on Google search result pages 
  4. generate a few headlines at a time so the content per headline is more in depth
  5. Format your article by adding a table of content (shortcode [toc]) and a separator to make it look nicer (5:00)
  6. If each paragraph is too long, reformat the article using this template (5:35)
    • this is not very good. you still need to do a lot of cleanup
  7. Add images
  8. Add tables
  9. Create internal and external links (12:55)
  10. Create a meta description (13:10)
  11. Create an SEO title (13:25)
  12. Index it on Google Search Console (14:25)
  13. Grade your content with ChatGPT
  14. Make adjustments based on recommendations by ChatGPT
  15. go back to Ahrefs to see if our article is more in-depth than competitor’s (16:30)

Main prompt:

Please write a comprehensive 1,500-word article about the keyword “KEYWORD (e.g. are birds mammals)” that is engaging, easy-to-understand, and unique. Make the content punchy and engaging by using a conversational tone, incorporating real-life examples, and taking a storytelling approach.

NOTE: Don’t use H1 tags. Just use H2 and H3s.

Keep the keyword density high.

Make sure you include the keyword in the first sentence.

Put every sentence in a new line.

Optimize on-page SEO for “are birds mammals with high keyword density and inclusion in headers. Use markdown headers without boldening them, and avoid providing a table of contents.

The writing should appear human-like, and I will provide additional prompts as needed to reach the desired word count.

Talk about Are birds animals? Everything you need to know about avians. What to know about the feathered animals and their traits. What other winged animals are or aren’t mammals? Do birds are mammals? What kind of animal is a bird? Is a penguin a mammal yes or no? What makes a bird a bird and not a mammal?

Write from an analytical perspective. 

Do not create a conclusion.

Table prompt (create one by one) (12:20):

  • make a table about What Makes a Bird a Bird? – keep the info short
  • make a table about How are birds different from mammals? – keep the info short
  • another example: 
    • Using accessible data from SEMrush, Ahrefs and surfer SEO, develop an SEO content strategy for the keyword “marketing for small business”. Find keywords that have a volume of at least 100 per month with a SEO difficulty score lower than 10. List keywords into a table with 4 columns (in order): column 1: keyword, column 2; monthly volume, column 3: keyword difficulty, and column 4: commercial search intent.  

Meta description prompt (create one by one) (13:10):

Create a 20 word meta description. Frontload the keyword “birds mammals”

SEO title prompt (13:25):

Give me 10 blog ideas on “birds mammals”

Summarized Google Helpful Guidelines (from another note):

The five most important criteria for creating helpful, reliable, people-first content are:

  1. Providing original and substantial information, analysis or research.
  2. Demonstrating expertise and a depth of knowledge about the topic.
  3. Presenting content in a clear, well-produced and trustworthy way, with accurate authorship information.
  4. Creating content primarily to benefit people, not solely to manipulate search engine rankings.
  5. Answering “Who, How, and Why” questions about the content to demonstrate its trustworthiness and usefulness.

To assess the quality of your content, consider evaluating it against these questions, as well as seeking feedback from others. Additionally, focus on E-E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness), and align with Google’s quality rater guidelines to improve your content’s chances of ranking highly in search results. Avoid creating search engine-first content and use SEO practices to enhance people-first content, not to manipulate rankings.

Prompt to grade your content: 

Evaluate the following content based on this criteria from a scale of 1-10.
Content below:

ChatGPT SEO Playbook: Fast Rankings Have Never Been Easier

  • Not only good for blog posts but homepages, service pages, etc.
  • If ChatGPT stops writing, just type “continue”

Topical authority (1:00)

  • for Google to rank you, you need a lot of content (not just 5 posts) to cover all the aspects of your niche
  • you need a topical map to cover a niche topic as deep and as fully as possible
Step 1: Prompt for a topical map (2:45):
  • help me come up with a topical map for my blog that has the best chance of helping me rank for long tail keywords that are specific to my keyword “XXX” (e.g. cosmetic surgery for men) and give each a clickbait style title. Provide a list of 100 titles, and prioritize transactional intent topics. topics. Next to each title, add the best longtail keyword phrase that title should be targeting. Do not duplicate keyword phrases

Step 2: Copy only the useful topics to a spreadsheet

Step 3: Prompt to get an outline of an article

  • Now create an outline for an article titled “Cosmetic Surgery for Men: Top 5 Procedures for a More Confident You”. Write it as an experienced “XXX” (an expert in the field, e.g. cosmetic surgeon) specializing in men’s procedures, and write it for “XXX” (your target market, e.g. men over the age of 50″.
  • if you don’t like something that you see, now is the time to tell ChatGPT to change it (7:15)

Step 4: Prompt to write a article

  • Now write the article in a casual, helpful tone (or in Alex Hormozi/Oprah style, if it helps), and insert personal anecdotes if they help illustrate a point. Include H2s and H3s as needed, and expand on key points or add more if needed to hit at least 1,500 words

Step 5: Prompt to create 10 a title for you to choose from

  • create 10 click-bait style titles for this article. All titles generated must be optimized for keyword phrase “XXX” (e.g. cosmetic surgery for men)

Step 5: Copy and paste the selected title and the whole article on Word 

  • need to edit and add in your style so it’s not completely machine generated

Step 6: Prompt to keyword optimize the edited article 

  • is the following article optimized for the keyword phrase “cosmetic procedures for men”?
    If so, just tell me it’s ok. If not, make it optimized with minimal rewriting. Put your changes in bold. Here’s the article: (paste the article here)

Step 7: Prompt to write a meta description

  • now write an optimized and intriguing meta description for the article

Optimize your money pages (15:25)

  • e.g. homepage, service pages, and pricing page!
    • lots of people are searching about pricing so don’t forget this!

Step 1: Do your keyword research (video here)

Step 2: Prompt to optimize your say, service page (17:00)

  • Is this page properly optimized for the search term “hair restoration Chicago?” Does it include enough semanticaly related terms to be thorough? If so, just tel me it’s good, If not, add what needs to be added to be fully optimized, but make it reads naturally and make perfect sense. Use bold text on all new content and keywords you add. Here’s the content: (paste the article here)

Step 3: Prompt to add even more keywords and extra context to the article 

  • lets add an extra keyword-rich section at the bottom. Make it benefit-driven, and read naturally.
Step 4: Prompt to do a final check
  • is the new page with the changes and extra section now fully optimized for the term “hair restoration Chicago?”

ChatGPT prompts to write long articles

  • Prompt: Write me an article using this blog outline
  • Problem: ChatGPT cuts off when it reaches 500 or 1,000 words, so it may not cover everything listed in your outline
  • Solution: do NOT generate an article in one go

Step 1: Put only 3-5 headings first to get in-depth content (7:00)



Step 2: Repeat the process with the rest of the headlines

ChatGPT prompts for long blog posts (by Income stream surfers)

Prompt #1:

Let’s write a blog post that will rank on Google. I want you to try to include {keywords}. You should use markdown formatting, including bold, UL/OL, write with a degree of creativity, burstiness, and human-like. Include already anchored hyperlinks using  {keywords} and {links}. The article is “YOUR FOCUS KEYWORD (e.g. best suits brands for men)” You can write about the following THING (e.g. Brand A, Brand B, Brand C, Brand D). Use these links as internal links formatted in Markdown. USE A MAXIMUM OF 6 INTERNAL LINKS 


Prompt #2 to make the content longer:

Add another section “four season suits” and talk about virgin wool suits

One ChatGPT prompt that will get you ranked on Google (by Income stream surfers)

  • How to tell if an article is ranked on Google?
    • Google Search Console
  • In the prompt, be very specific what products you want to be included, otherwise,  irrelevant  products of the brands mentioned will also show up in the article 

Steps (7:55)

  1. Create a oneshot blog post using the prompt above
  2. Copy and paste the content into a google doc
  3. Run the internal linking script which can be found here (you have to go on Google docs > extensions > app scripts > copy and paste my script into the app scripts › manually collect keyword data from Search Console and add it to the addLinks function at the bottom of the script » press “run script” and then allow access › you have to make a new google document each time or just use the same google document and delete each blog post and copy the new content in)
  4. Add a featured image either from MidJourney or if you have good original content post that
  5. Run the code through a HTML Cleaner to get rid of weird ChatGPT formatting
  6. Post products into the article for each brand either using Hura if you’re on Shopify, or a WordPress equivalent.
  7. Post the article
  8. Manually submit to Search Console

Prompt 1 (source):

I need help writing an article today – I want you to write in the style of Charles Bukwoski – Be formal, do not mention Charles Bukowski, only write in English, the topic of the article is going to be “mens urban summer fashion 2023” – I work for an Italian luxury reseller called “2Men Do not say we’re a reseller – and you want to include the following Italian brands: Cesare Attolini (for its lightweight suits and sports jackets – Great for wearing with slacks or dress pants, or even jeans), Kiton (for its wide range of stuff including jeans and sneakers, tracksuits – even swim trunks), KNT (for its t-shirts, hoodies, and sneakers), Boss (for all urban wear, for casual work places, shorts and joggers), Santoni (for its range of handmade Italian designer sneakers), Tramarossa (for its beautiful jeans) Timberland (if you want to go trekking, also great for urban wear looks with jeans), Sartorio (for their sports jackets and blazers, perfect for summer formal events), and Barba Napoli (for its polo shirts and light hoodies). When possible I want you to include these exact phrase match keywords and concepts:

Enter list of keywords from your research or from search console which will be used later with internal linking script.

Using Markdown title throughout the article for each brand, write an article, including a clickable title

Prompt 2:

Write a meta description

How I Ranked On Google In Under 8 Hours Using AI SEO (by Income stream surfers, May 10, 2023)

  • Make use of what’s already on the website to create more articles
  • why does it work so well?
    • it adds context to the article
    • BUT your existing content has to be good and in-depth in order for ChatGPT to be able to create something good
    • the more you give Google’s crawlers to read, the better your article will be
  • use relative links, not https links to save tokens
    • e.g. /en/clothing/leather
  1. find content idea from a competitor website (4;15)
  2. go to AIPRM and ask it to pick the best internal links (5:20)
    • Pink out 30 internal links to be used for an article about “keyword”
  3. Prompt: Write the first part of the article (9:10)
  4. Prompt: Write the second part of the article
  5. Prompt: Create an FAQ at the bottom of the article (12:25)
    • Another prompt: Can you generate JSON-LD FAQ Page schema code for these questions? and please include the script tags. Do not write HTML, Title, Or head tags
      • Don’t exactly know how to do FAQ Schema 🙁
      • it’s hidden in the article, but shows up on Google search result pages
  6. Go to Microsoft Designer to create an image for the article


This is all of my current pages of content on the website. Collections and Blog posts. Using this information I want you to write me an article. You should write in Markdown formatting, with a clickable title/meta title at the start, internal links which should be naturally included in the article, UL/OL, block quotes, and any other HTML/Markdown formatting you can think to include. Use as many collections as possible. My Website is, we are a multi brand store selling these brands. The article topic is “ADD FOCUS KEYWORD HERE” Write with creativity and burstiness like a human.

include following ahref links in the article, use the name of the page as the text of the link and make the link naturally part of the article for the benefit of SEO. Include the links all throughout the article and not just in the last few paragraphs. :







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































FAQs Prompt:

Can you generate JSON-LD FAQ Page schema code for these questions? and please include the script tags. Do not write HTML, Title, Or head tags