How to build a no-code travel app with Adalo

Create a new app

– Adalo has generous free plans

– Top middle > Create new app > Native mobile app > Next > Blank template > App name > Primary color > Secondary color > Create

Create collections (2:40)

– Sign up / Login / Home >  Database (left menu) > Create collection (e.g. Cities, See, Eat, Sleep) > Add property under Cities (e.g. Hong Kong)

Create relationships (4:20)

– Link different Collection together

– Add property > Relationship (all the way down) > e.g. Choose “City” > How are “Cities” and “See” related 

Create content on Excel or Google Sheets (5:30)

– Create an Excel spreadsheet or Google Sheet with Intro, See, Eat, Sleep tabs

– Input your content

– 11:35 File > Download > Comma-separated values (csv, one for each tab)

Import data (14:45)

Database (left menu) > click on “0 records” > upload data (“import csv” icon on top) > import data > done

Create a custom list (12:25)

– + > Add component > Lists > Custom list > Drag & drop > Components (cane be customized)  

Preview - top right (16:30)

Create a detailed view (16:55)

– Click “Home” button on top of phone screen > Rename it to “City detail” > Rename home to “City list” > Click on “City list” screen to go to List > + Add action > Link > City detail > done

– 17:45