How to prepare for a discovery call

Remember your purpose: to land a call

  • sell the appointment, not the product
  • send links to interesting resources to build relationships
    • leads to a higher likelihood of them agreeing to have a call with you in future 

Research your prospects

  • do your discovery work about the person, their company and their potential problems
  • find at least one convincing reason to have a compelling conservation
    • having good questions that lead to insightful conversations

Provide value

  • send links to interesting resources to build relationships
    • leads to a higher likelihood of them agreeing to have a call with you in future 
  • make sure the prospect knows you have valuable information they can benefit from
  • be clear that they have to schedule time to learn from your insights

Ask questions

  • asking questions in your messages is a proven way to increase your response rate by 50%
  • start being curious
      • it’s much easier to get prospects to open to connecting further on the phone
    • don’t focus on the sale
  • find at least one convincing reason to have a compelling conservation
    • having good questions that lead to insightful conversations
  • read their company posts and ask genuine questions about them

The hook

  • “Can we agree that time is money and that anything is possible? Is it possible that there is a better insurance offer out there?”
  • once you have the prospect agreeing with you, you begin to transition to the process of setting up an appointment with them

Don't give away too much

  • strike a balance between knowing enough about your prospects to build credibility, and leaving enough room for the discovery meeting to still be valuable for both of you
  • save the meaningful, valuable insights for the actual appointment call
  • don’t ever point out the weaknesses of their existing solution
    • instead of suggesting a prospect to “rip and replace” what they already have, find an opportunity to sell a small quantity of products or services now in order to generate more sales later on

Provide proofs

  • give proof points that your product is excellent for their space
  • be sure to mention your other customers in their industries

Keep it short

  • the best messenges are just 50 to 125 words in length (Hubspot)
  • short = focus = fewer distractions to make your content and call-to-action clearer
  • respect those who are busy.  People hate long emails, especially when they’re coming from someone they haven’t met
  • be concise and get to the point straight away
  • make your first approach as specific to them as possible
  • demonstrates that you’re respectful of their time and appreciate them making time for you despite their busy schedule

Clear call to action

  • end your message with a direct and easy way to schedule the call
  • offer your support: you have some great expertise and knowledge that can help tackle their pain point
  • be definite about the next steps. Tell them exactly how to schedule an appointment
  • 15% – 35% of scheduled appointments never actually happen.

Make it easy for customer to conncet

  • it takes an average of 18 calls to connect with a buyer
  • poorly designed websites make it too difficult to schedule an appointment for potential customers to connect

Prepare and present yourself

  • prioritize quantity over quality
    • make 100 cold calls as fast as possible so you have no time to take rejection to heart
  • confidence and charisma go a long way

Best time to call

  • Wednesday at 4:00 p.m
  • HubSpot research says that’s generally the best time to make a cold call and make a live connection
  • call fewer prospects each day, and call them often