Interview questions and answers for a startup management position

I am putting this together for my interview for a beauty camera startup 

What to prepare

Potential questions & answers

Q: What experience do you have in managing teams or leading companies?

  • Started building my own team when I was a Marketing Services Manager at Philips
    • at the global headquarters 
    • served the entire BU
    • close to 10 product categories 
    • 12-people team from scratch
    • Achievements: improve efficiency (months to days) and brings the costs down
  • Startup clients
    • manage their existing teams
    • Achievements: improved efficiency (review processes and systems) and better resources allocation (understand why some things are not working)

Q: What is your experience with marketing mobile apps in China and South Korea?

  • Jabra Sound app
    • launch events to demo 
    • partner with relevant partners like music festivals 
  • Jabra Sport Life app
    • triathlon athlete
    • sponsor local running clubs (prizes for competition)  
  • work with software team to fix bugs
  • Product placement in MVs
    • use globally 

Q: How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the beauty camera industry?

Q: What strategies would you use to tailor our app to local preferences?

Q: How would you approach building relationships with local partners and customers?

  • Partners 
    • understand what we can offer is most critical 
    • every company is different (may not be country specific)
      • some may have more resources (budget & people), some may have better connections
      • utilize what they have to achieve different goals (ST and LT)
        • e.g. Lava vs Suoxian
  • Be sensitive about different cultures
    • Korean media are more formal 

Q: What’s your experience to acquire and retain users?

  • create customer personas
    • no company has all the resources 
    • cannot target everybody
    • more targeted communication 
  • top 10 beauty cameras 
  • create own content
    • how to videos 
  • newsletter: new features / updates / 

Q: How to monetize?

What to focus on

  • Communication skills
    • what do investors care about?
    • what do customers care about?
    • what does the team care about?

Questions to interviewers

  • ST and LT goals
  • major counterparts 
  • ISO and Android versions?


Hatsune Miku

  • a singing voice synthesizer featured in over 100,000 songs released worldwide
  • 2.35M YouTube subscribers
  • 170,000 uploaded YouTube videos,
  • 1,000,000 created artworks
  • over 900,000 fans on Facebook
  • sold-out 3D concerts worldwide with performances in LA, Taipei, Hong Kong, Singapore Tokyo
  • corporate collaborations with SEGA, Toyota USA, Google and more
  • Profile: 16 years old, 158cm, 42kg|