Content marketing – why is it important


31 Impressive Content Marketing Examples You Can Use Today

  • Content marketing is the intentional creation and curation of content with the goal of both attracting new prospects and nurturing them into leads.
  • creating high-quality content to attract prospects and customers and to convert them into engaged followers who will spread the word about your products and services
  • drive the right traffic
  • drive people to opt-in on your signup page
  • attract, educate, inform, persuade and inspire a prospect to move them closer to becoming a customer
  • The goal of content marketing isn’t necessarily immediate sale but rather lead generation combined with strong brand recognition.
  • blogs
  • newsletters
  • e-books
  • forums/discussion boards
  • videos (businesses are creating more and more webinars)
  • social media channels
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) is very much a thing
  • Getting social on social media
    • instead of asking me to follow you, giving me a reason to click “Like” or “Follow”
  • Public relations (PR) is not the same as content marketing
    • Content changes the whole dynamic between you and journalists. 
    • When you pitch a journalist, the first thing he or she is going to do is Google your name or the company’s name. When there is no footprint on the internet, that raises a red flag.
  • Your user acquisition can be much more frictionless
    • I see that ad and think to myself, “Oh, I know that company. I read their blog, listen to their podcast, or follow them on Twitter,” the chances of engaging me are significantly higher.
  • Business development with a stranger is not as fun as with someone who trusts you
    • “You clearly know your stuff, and I want to work with professionals. So how do we get started?”