Keyword research strategies and SEO tools – free and paid

8 Best Keywords Everywhere Alternative [Free]

Free keyword research tools

Answer the public

  • bought by Ubersuggest
  • 3 keywords per day
  • no SEO difficulty 

Keyword everywhere

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  • 3 free searches per day
  • updated 3 months ago unless you pay

I Ranked In 5 Hours, NO Backlinks: Miracle FREE ChatGPT Strategy

1. Keyword research (2:00)

**Rule of thumb: use keywords with low KD and very few backlinks

  1. KD lower than 30
  2. trending (3:28)
    • trending topics are great because they have fewer backlinks, i.e. easier to compete with
  3. good sign if lots of DR (domain ranking) of 20s and 30s on the 1st page

(4:45) you know it is a great keyword when you find a low KD keyword without a lot of backlinks

(7:50) if there’s a LinedIn article or FB post on the 1st page, it is a good sign – keyword not competitive!

2. Figure out search intent, i.e. what problem people need solved (10:00)

  • Look at what’s ranking on first page of Google

3. Extract content from YouTube videos (12:15)

  1. Go to YouTube to find relevant content
  2. Use descript (1 hr free per month) or harpa (free) to get the content in text format

4. Make it a blog post with ChatGPT (12:50)

  • Note: if it goes over 2,000 words, ChatGPT won’t do it
  • Turn the content below into an SEO article designed to rank for the keyword “KEYWORD*. Write in markdown. (paste transcript here)

5. Add more words (13:50)

  • Make the word count longer, it should be a 2,000 word article. use the original content I gave you.

6. Add even more words from another source (16:15)

  • Turn this content into an article about link building with ChatGPT. Write it in markdown. No introduction or conclusion.

7. Guide ChatGPT to stick to the point (16:35)

  • Tailor more to chatgpt link building. Include subheaders.

8. How to find internal links to add in the blog post (18:10)

  • go to Google and use site: & your keyword

Resubmit your link to Google (18:15)

  • Google search console > URL inspection

How to drive more traffic to the new blog post (18:25)

  • Ahrefs > Best Buy Links to find 2 pages (1) with lots of backlinks and are also (2) relevant to the new article

  • In those high-traffic articles, add “See also” (anchor text)

How to use Google to find keywords to rank for? And what to do with these keywords?

Step 1: Finding the keywords

  • go to “People also ask”  and answer those questions in your blog posts
    • There are more than one “People also ask” sections on one Google search result page!
  • tip: when you click on a question to see the answer, more questions will pop out,  i.e. more blog post ideas for you

Step 2: Use ChatGPT to get straight, to the point answers (not to create articles out of them)

With the following prompt, ChatGPT will give you a nicely formatted FAQs that you can paste into your content

  • more keywords to rank
  • increase comprehensive depth of the article


Write the below content so that it is not detected as Al content by Al content detectors

Write FAQs in H2. Format everything.

  • Do not put html:: Instead format the headers
  • Do not put <h2>:: Instead format the headers
  • Do not put <h3>:: Instead format the headers
  • Do not use any code: Instead format the headers

Format the headings: Each question should be h3 tag.

Then around 40 words, answer each of the faqs below. Make each question a h3 header then insert your answer underneath each one

(paste all the questions from copied on Google)


Step 3: Go to Ahrefs to get a list more questions (9:25)

  • Ahrefs > Keywords Explorer > Questions > View All 
  • most are low volume, low difficulty keywords
    • even if they are not keyword optimized, they can rank very well
  • you can create 500-word supporting articles using the questions and link back to keyword target page (long article) to drive traffic and build up your topical authority 

Free Keyword Research Tools - Save $573 A Month 🙂

  1. Google Adwords planner (2:05)
    • not for SEO coz it only showed paid keywords!
  2. “Google in quotes” (4:05)
  3. Keyword Toolio (7:00)
  4. Soovle (9:00)
  5. moz
  6. Spyfu
  7. Ubersuggest
  8. Ahrefs keyword generator
  9. Keyword cheater 
  10. Answer the public
  11. SEMRush
  12. SEO Checklist
  13. Hoth
  14. The Profitscoop

How to Do Keyword Research for Free in 2023 & Beyond

  • 01:41 – Keyword Basics
  • 02:53 – Different Types of Keywords
  • 06:36 – #1: Google Tools
  • 06:46 – Google Autosuggest
  • 07:39 – People Also Ask Section
  • 08:25 – Related Searches Section
  • 08:36 – Google Keyword Planner
  • 09:36 – Google’s “Site:” Search Command
  • 10:56 – #2: Competitor Sitemap
  • 11:48 – #3:
  • 12:26 – #4: Answer The Public
  • 13:06 – #5: Ahrefs Keyword Generator
  • 13:56 – ChatGPT for Keyword Research
  • 20:39 – Verifying Search Volume & Competition
  • 22:15 – Google Trends
  • 23:55 – Ahrefs Keyword Generator
  • 25:26 – Verify Keyword Competition
  • 27:00 – Summary

10x Your SEO Traffic Using AI in 2023

  • 00:16 What is topical authority?
  • 02:36 Topical maps explained
  • 08:32 Building a topical map
  • 10:26 Why topical maps are important
  • 11:53 How to make your own topical map
  • 15:17 Using ChatGPT for your topical map
  • 15:48 Create content using AI
  • 16:48 Write your article with Content at Scale

Keyword Research Tutorial for 2023 (Dominate ANY Niche)

  • 01:49 Keyword research fundamentals
  • 04:00 Transactional vs. informational keywords
  • 05:35 Monetization Matrix
  • 12:53 Research with Ahrefs
  • 24:45 More Ahrefs research examples
  • 30:50 Research for informational content
  • 46:00 More ways to find keywords
  • 51:20 Mastering search intent
  • 53:57 Writing content with SurferSEO
  • 56:08 Writing content with Content at Scale