How to become a social media consultant

#1 Research and choose your niche

  • a specific product, service, or industry

#2. Educate yourself

  • go on YouTube or take online courses

Gain initial experience

  • do your own tests
  • offer pro bono consulting services family and friends
  • practice your growth strategy or what you’ve learned with a small, local brand at a low price 
  • overdeliver at the beginning
  • do not work for free

Establish credibility and reputation

  • make a website
    • write blog posts to showcase your knowledge and build trust through your content
    • build a portfolio of case studies
    • collect visitor information to build an email list
  • set up an engaging social media account
  • host webinars
  • write an ebook

Make connections

  • focus on local networking before thinking globally
  • need to work hard to engage with others to build your network
  • create content for social media to help people build confidence in what you can do
  • have your own unique insights

What do social media consultants do?

Social media consultants specialize in social media strategy, planning, and problem-solving.  

  • map out social media strategies

  • provide recommendations on graphics, videos and articles 

  • keep a consistent brand message across various platforms

  • oversee what client competitors are doing and strategies they are using

  • recommend improvements and new ideas 

Social media consulting vs social media management

Social media consultants advise on how to create content, outline a calendar, and analyze reports.  Social media managers are the ones that get the jobs done.

Why hire a social media consultant?

  • they are experts in one or more social media platform(s)
  • they can help you save time and money
  • they can help you put together your social media strategies
  • they can help you understand numbers and results, and give advice for improvements

How much do they charge?

It depends their experience and expertise.  Based on the numbers from 2019, one with less than 3 years’ experience can charge from US$15 to US$50 per hour.  The fee can go up to US$250 per hour for those with more experience1