LinkedIn connection scripts

Networking Approach

Connection Message:

Example 1: Hi [firstname], I’m looking to grow my network. I’d love to connect!

Example 2: Hey [firstname], I noticed we have a few connections in common. I’m always looking to expand my network, let’s connect! Example

3: Hi [firstname], It’s nice to meet you! I look forward to learning more about you and hope we can continue to connect.

1st Follow up Message

Example 1: Appreciate the connection! I try making every one of my LinkedIn connections meaningful. Feel free to take a look at my connections, and if there is someone you would like to be introduced to, I would be happy to arrange something!

Example 2: Thanks for connecting! I was taking a look at your profile and it seems like you’ve had some interesting business experience. What are you most excited about currently?

Example 3: Appreciate the connection, [firstname]. I was really pleased to see you accepted my request, I’m looking forward to seeing how we can add value to each other! In the spirit of networking, I’d love to learn more about you and what you’ve been working on recently

2nd Follow up Message:

Example 1: Hi [firstname], I was looking through my recent connections and saw your name again! I thought I’d reach out since I noticed we both work in [industry]. I’ve been listening to this new podcast that has been very beneficial in expanding my knowledge on [industry topics] , so I wanted to pass along the info! Here’s the link: *insert link*

Example 2: Hey [firstname], I just realized that I totally forgot to introduce myself! Since I’m with a tech company, I can’t just type something out like it’s 1990. I had to find some way to catch your eye, so I recorded a quick video instead: *insert video link*

Example 3: Hey [firstname], hope you’re having a great week! There’s something I’ve been working on recently and I realized it’s super relevant to your field of expertise. I wanted to reach out and offer you a copy! Let me know your thoughts, I’d love some feedback. Please feel free to send your honest opinion

3rd Follow up Message:

Example 1: Hi [firstname], I’ve seen a ton of value from building relationships on LinkedIn that go beyond just another connection with a “random” person. If you’re open to it, let’s connect and share our stories. What do the next few weeks look like for you?

Example 2: Hey [firstname], I hope you are having a great week! I’m still a little new to this online networking world, but one of my goals is to provide as much value as I can to all of my connections! So, here’s one of our most recent free resources from [insert company name]! If you ever have any questions regarding [likeminded topic- ex: marketing strategies], I’d love to set up a call to chat more. Here is a link to my calendar: *insert calendar link*

Example 3: Hi [firstname], I know we’re both busy but I just wanted to shoot you a quick message and say if there is anything the [my company name] team or I can help you with, we would be more than happy to! I’d love to set up a call ! Also – feel free to check out our website: *insert website link* I look forward to speaking with you soon!

Sales Approach

Connection Message:

Example 1: Hi [firstname], I came across your profile and I’m always looking to network with other professionals in [industry]. Let’s connect!

Example 2: Hey [firstname], I noticed we have a few connections in common! I see that you are also in the [industry] industry, so I thought it would be nice to get in touch. I’m always looking to expand my network!

Example 3: Hi [firstname], always looking for more leaders in [your industry] to add to my network. Would love to connect!

1st Follow up Message

Example 1: Appreciate the connection! I try making every one of my LinkedIn connections meaningful. I work with a lot of companies like yours, helping them get 10x more revenue from their email outreach. I’d be happy to be a resource for you as well, if there is ever anything you need please do not hesitate to reach out!

Example 2: Thanks for connecting! I was taking a look at your profile and it seems like you’ve had some interesting business experience. At [your company name], we help sales teams like yours turn cold prospects into warm leads. I’d love to hear more about what you are currently working on and share more about how we can be a resource for you.

Example 3: Glad we could connect! My team and I have just developed [unique product or service]. It can [explain unique selling points]. Is this something that you’d be interested in? Looking forward to hearing from you!

2nd Follow up Message

Example 1: Hi [firstname], I’m sure you know companies like yours need a consistent stream of high-quality leads to grow and thrive. We’ve written this new e-book all about how SaaS businesses can generate a higher return from their cold email outreach. You can download it here: *insert link* Are you free for 15 minutes tomorrow to talk through your lead generation process?

Example 2: Hey [firstname], I hope you’re having a great week! I wanted to follow up on my last message and share a case study on how we doubled appointments from cold email outreach for another business similar to yours. It shows step-by-step how we did it. Would you like me to send it your way?

Example 3: Hey [firstname], I know you probably have a packed schedule. I would love to have a conversation with you about [unique product or service mentioned in previous message] and the reasons why it would be of immense use to your company. Let’s set up a quick demo this week. Here is a link to my calendar: *insert calendar link*

3rd Follow up Message

Example 1: Hi [firstname], I’ve got great news! We are now offering a free consultation to help companies like yours get the results you’re looking for. I’ve seen a ton of value from building relationships on LinkedIn that go beyond just another connection. If you’re open to it, let’s set up that consultation for sometime next week. Here is a link to my calendar: *insert link*

Example 2: Hey [firstname], I haven’t heard back from you so I thought I’d send over that case study. Anyway, here is the link: *insert link* I know we are both busy, I just want to make sure you have every resource possible to see your business thrive. I’d love to set up a call to see how we can take your company to the next level. I’ll also drop my calendar link below: *insert calendar link*

Example 3: Hi [firstname], I don’t want to be that pushy salesperson that floods your inbox. I really feel there is some synergy between us and having a conversation would be worthwhile. Here’s my calendar link to book a time: *insert calendar link