How to add a table of content in a blog post

  • install Kadence Blocks plugin
  • Rank Math also a table of content feature, but you need to break your blog posts into different sections in order for it to work. It is no-go if you copy your content directly from a Word doc or ChatGPT coz it won’t work

How to remove or change "table of content" title (7:10)

  • title settings

How to change color / underline of links (7:15)

  • link settings

How to make it left aligned (7:50)

  • advanced > “left” to adjust all the way to 0

How to change background color

  • container settings > background
  • I picked #EDEFF2

5 thoughts on “How to add a table of content in a blog post”

  1. Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

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