Crypto categories

Store of value cryptos (e.g. Bitcoin, Litecoin)

  • safer than other cryptos, likely to go up in dollar value over time 
  • limited number of coins
  • store or increase purchasing powers over time
  • the more the government print, the more it loses the purchasing power
  • disadvantage: limited functionalities 

Smart contract cryptos (Ethereum and Binance smartchain)

  • less emphasis on storing value 
  • no personal info required
  • person to person, all activities are private
  • no middleman to steal your data 
  • no maximum supplies with annual inflation schedule 
  • lots of competition and you don’t know which one will win
  • new crypto every other month

Oracle cryptos (Chainlink)

  • dozens of institutions will tell Oracle what the prices of something is and oracle will use the average of the answers 
  • disadvantage: pre-mined tokens are kept by teams and pre-investors 
    • if the prices go up these guys will sell and influence the prices

Payment cryptos

Privacy cryptos

Exchange cryptos

Meme cryptos