Interview With Global Human Resources Solutions Company


  • Josephine Loong (Recruiter)
  • Nellie
  • Margaret Yip
  • Henry Tan (CPA): Founder


  • Help clients of all sizes to hire, retain, and manage exceptional talents wherever they are in the world (at the end of homepage video)
  • 7-year startup
  • People business supported by technology, not the other way around (Margaret Yip)
  • help clients hire and expand globally
  • Hire and retain local talents wherever they are in the world
  • Recruitment, payroll, tax (complex procedures)
  • Global company clients
    • big
    • startups
  • Competitor
    • Tricor
  • Employer of record (EOR)
  • POE (Employment of organization)
  • Team
    • From US but based in JP
    • Partner: Her
    • iBanks / consultancy firms
  • 245 internal staff
  • 45 countries
    • Partner (Margaret)
    • Head of legal
    • Head of finance 
  • 60 operating entities 


  • 60 operating entities 
  • HK
  • JP
  • Dubai


  • 245 internal staff
  • staff in 45 countries / can find talents in 100+ countries
    • Partner (Margaret)
    • Head of legal
    • Head of finance 
  • Team meetings
    • BKK
    • Greece
    • Cancun
  • Monthly town hall 


  • trust
  • open
  • fail fast 
  • transparent 


  • EU & US (US agencies)
  • CN & JP


  • Go Fast. Go Smart. GoGlobal.

  • Best Global Human Resources Solutions
  • map to showcase where they are


  • set up quickly, compliantly, and cost effectively

  • cost savings
  • streamlined processes
  • compliance expertise
  • personalized support
  • onboard new employees within days instead of months

Website improvement

  • map to showcase where they are
  • YouTube video

What they need

  • what they need
    • ST & LT strategies 
    • new tech
    • new ideas
    • cost effective was to get leads
  • Lead generation
  • seminars, webinars, conferences, social media
  • 4-5 pax team
    • IN: content, collaterals, PPTs
    • VN: digital marketing, CRM, performance marketing 

Personality preferred

  • high energy level
  • self-motivated

Current marketing lead

  • strong background
  • big budget

My previous projects

Software as a service (SaaS) company

  • import spreadsheets into a central system for integration
  • Virtual consultation doctor
    • ‘dumb-down’ his content
  • financial services
    • insurance 
    • capital markets
    • banking 
  • supply chain
    • manufacturing
    • transport and logistics
    • food and agriculture 
  • consumer products
    • pharm 
    • retail
    • telecoms

Email marketing

  • main reasons
    • product awareness & promotions (64%)
    • retention (59%)
  • open rate
    • 60% has 20% open rate
    • 4.2% has under 10% open rate

6-step sales & marketing funnel

  1. traffic (from views to clicks)
    • SEO
    • content
    • social
    • affiliate
    • sponsor
    • paid ads
  2. landing page (turn traffic into leads)
  3. get their email with a high-volume lead magnet
    • checklist
    • cheat sheet
    • guide
    • webinar
    • workshop
    • masterclass 
  4. introduction email
    • who you are
    • why they should trust you can help them
  5. sales email (x6)
  6. sales page

2024 marketing trends

  1. value based marketing
    • being cheapest and fastest is no longer the only way to win
    • 56% feel more loyal to brands that ‘get me’ and show a deep understanding of preference 
  2. storytelling
    • create emotional connection
    • people will remember 
    • case studies, customer stories
  3. conversational marketing
  4. live video 
  5. make it personal
    1. lots of things are AI and people are either annoyed or have trust issues
  6. omni-channel marketing
    1. need to be at more touchpoint to gain interest/trust from customers 


Marketing audit

Target segments

Content marketing

  • EOR guide
  • White papers
  • Checklist
  • Case studies
  • Top challenges faced by companies managing international employments

Local partners

  • HKInvest
  • Danish association 
  • Chambers of commerce 

Paid ads

Social media

  • join and interact in business groups 

Influencer partners

Potential partners

  • HR consultants
  • global mobility experts
  • international business advisors
  • legal firms specializing in international employment


Vistra & Tricor

  • Vistra
    • helps global funds and corporates set up, run and control their operations worldwide
  • Tricor
    • Business expansion made easy
    • helps Asian based business expand and operate their businesses across the APAC region
    • 49 offices
    • 22 markets
    • 3000 employees
    • serves 40% global Fortune 500 companies
    • 1,300 listed clients in HK & China
    • 600 in SG and MY
    • 2,000 in Asia

What does the alliance do:

  • help Asian clients expand and operate in Europe and Americas 
  • clients want to manage their business
    • in more place
    • more efficiently
    • more control
  •  help clients
    • adapt new regulations
    • new ways of working
    • so they can focus on what they do best

Why I am interested

  • Fully remote
  • startup: more room for growth


  • What agencies in SG?
  • marketing budget
  • why is Henry Tan so mysterious? 
  • company structure
  • whom I’ll be working with