Books about money that will make you rich

Level One: $0 to $100,000

00:58 40. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind 01:22 39. The Psychology of Money 01:56 38. The Magic of Thinking Big 02:23 37. The Winner Effect 02:55 36. Think and Grow Rich 03:25 35. Unscripted 03:44 34. The Essence of Success 04:12 33. Atomic Habits 04:44 32. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 04:58 31. The 12 Week Year 05:14 30. The Art of Getting Things Done 05:31 29. Essentialism 05:50 28. So Good They Can’t Ignore You 06:08 27. The Unfair Advantage 06:33 26. Mastery 06:43 25. Steal Like an Artist 07:07 24. Rich Dad, Poor Dad 07:31 23. The Compound Effect 08:02 22. The Little Book of Common Sense Investing 08:40 21. The Intelligent Investor 09:10 20. One Up on Wall Street 09:40 AD BREAK

Level two: $100K to $1M

10:52 19. Cashflow Quadrant 11:15 18. The 4-Hour Work Week 12:04 17. Zero to One 12:28 16. Disrupt You 12:50 15. The Lean Startup 13:15 14. Blue Ocean Strategy 13:44 13. Oversubscribed 14:09 12. Breakthrough Advertising

Level three: $1M to $10M+

14:35 11. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion 15:05 10. Never Split the Difference 15:16 9. How to Win Friends and Influence People 15:30 8. Pitch Anything 15:58 7. Start With Why 16:41 6. The 48 Laws of Power 17:10 5. The E Myth 17:39 4. Profit First 18:04 3. Good to Great 18:33 2. The Fourth Turning 18:48 1. The changing world order