Content marketing ideas from HubSpot’s team

Set your standards high

you know a piece of content isn’t ready to publish if the people creating it aren’t super excited to publish it and see their name next to it

Stay up-to-date with Google Trends

keep an eye out on the People Also Ask (PAA) boxes on the Google SERP

Diversify your traffic sources with non-organic content

  • email
  • social media
  • websites
  • expert quotes
  • original data
  • trend coverage
  • links to related industry news
  • real-world examples 

Think about the bigger picture

  • respond to real-time needs with awareness and empathy, especially during times of uncertainty

Know the “why” behind your goals

  • There’s no sense in creating content unless it’s intended to contribute to a concrete goal for your business

Historical optimization is non-negotiable

  • revisit and updating existing pieces of content with more helpful and relevant information
  • new, more competitive content is being created every day and can show up on the SERPs, pushing your posts down. With that in mind, make re-optimizing your existing library part of your content repurposing strategy so that your organic channel stays healthy

Brush up on project management skills

  • Content – especially content that is created collaboratively – needs to be planned and managed effectively
  • Communicating goals, establishing quality guidelines, and sticking to timelines all require strict project management skills. 

Get aligned with the product team

  • Content – especially content that is created collaboratively – needs to be planned and managed effectively
  • By naturally inserting relevant information about your product’s features and the types of challenges it resolves, you educate your audience in a way that helps you 1). establish your brand as an industry thought-leader, and 2). show your audience how your product resolves their pain points

Promote content using different creative assets

  • Over time, you’ll gradually get a feel for what types of creative assets your audience reacts to – especially on different channels
  • infographics might work well in email, but not on social – meanwhile, your social audience may gravitate towards video

Advertise contextually

  • When you find creators that genuinely align with your brand values, ad production is a smooth process

Invest in an in-depth video strategy

  • Having explainer videos or common FAQ videos that can support your customer service department is a good idea to increase sales and improve customer experience

Maximize the reach of your content with cross-promotion

  • cross-promotion should be thought of in the planning stage to maximize the chances of cross-promotional success
  • If you’re producing a YouTube video, is there a relevant blog post that you can embed it on?
  • if you’re creating a blog post, what key tips can you pull out for a podcast interview, Instagram multi-post, or LinkedIn PDF?

Make your content skimmable

  • breaking up those giant text blocks in your blog posts makes content more approachable, consumable, and (ultimately) actionable

Make your own best practices

  • What works on one website for their audience might not work for yours