Increase SEO traffic by 50% with ChatGPT

1. Find keywords you can easily rank for

  1. Ahrefs
  2. Dashboard
  3. search (top)
  4. organic keywords (left)
  5. select keyword (top) and type in a keyword (e.g. bird)
  6. show results 
  7. select “KD” and type to “10” then hit “Apply”
  8. click on an entry with a high KD (e.g. 9 or 10) and high search volume, and select “Search Google for…”
  9. When directed to Google > go to the Quora result > go to quota and write your article by summarizing the answers  

2. Use ChatGPT to write your article

Prompt: Write a comprehensive 1,500 word article about the keyword “are birds mammals” that is engaging, easy to understand and unique. Make the content punchy and engaging by using a conversational tone, incorporating a real-life example, and taking a storytelling approach.

Note: Don’t use H1 text. Just use H2 and H3s. 

Keep the keyword density high.

Make sure you include the keyword in the first sentence.

Put every sentence on a new line.

Optimize on-page SEO for “KEYWORD” with high keyword density and inclusion in headers. Use markdown headers without bolding them, and avoid providing a table of contents. The writing should appear human-like, and I will provide additional prompts as needed to reach the desired word count.

Talk about blah blah blah (see 3)

Write from an analytical prospective.

Do not create a conclusion.

(Optional) Insert internal links to at least 3 of these pages. Make sure it’s not at the end of the article but throughout the article naturally:


How to make the prompt better: set max number of words for each paragraph as ChatGPT tends to write very long blocks.

3. Grab headers from related articles found on Google to make your article more comprehensive

  • can use a plugin like HeadingsMap
  • Copy and paste the headers to a word document, then format them and put them in your prompt to guide ChatGPT to write

3. Get ChatGPT to write the formatted article

4. Input keyword on Yoast on your WordPress site

5. Tell ChatGPT your keyword and get it to create a 20-word meta description

6. Go to Google Search Console to get the new post indexed

7. Get ChatGPT to grade your content

  • Give ChatGPT summary of 5 “Google helpful content guidelines”
    • can find the long version on Google, summarize it and put on ChatGPT
  • Get ChatGPT to evaluate your content using this prompt:
    • Evaluate the following content based on these criteria from a scale of 1 to 10 
    • then paste your final content for evaluation 


  • Include FAQs (can be 5)
  • Include tables 
  • Insert images