List of transcription software

These software makes transcripts of your meetings and subtitles for your videos


  • 满足你的各种视频制作需求,强大的编辑功能,超多的素材内容,还有各种滤镜和特效
  • Not many AI solutions for Chinese subtitles and this one is pretty good
  • “photoshop for audio”
  • automatically transcribe your footage for you > becomes a document > you can edit your video on text instead of on video 
  • powerful audio to text generator 
  • edit your audio for a podcast
  • remove filler words like um / err / like etc by highlighting and deleting them
  • manage with transcripts instead of wave files
  • record, transcribe, and clip moments from research interviews, sales calls, and customer meetings
  • Free: 20 meetings per Free seat member
  • write automatic meeting notes with real-time transcription, recorded audio, automated slide capture, and automated meeting summaries
  • Free: 300 monthly transcription minutes; 30 minutes per conversation; Import and transcribe 3* audio or video files lifetime
  • automatically generates subtitles for your video and audio files