Why we will not be replaced by AI

  • (2:05) ChatGPT’s limit is not the technology or the learning model itself
  • it is our ability to ask it questions
    • AI does not take away our ability to ask the right question at the right time
  • so we are the bottleneck
  • will some jobs be replaced? definitely 
  • need to learn to use AI the right way to make yourself more valuable than before
  • it’s all about your speed of adaptation 
  • AI can take your job, or make you better at your job
  • (6:10) whenever an opportunity vanishes because of a technology advancement, another opportunity emerges
    • but it doesn’t last forever, so you need to capitalize the opportunities while they persist 

Why isn't everyone use these tools if it is so easy? (9:40)

  • people are lazy

If you are an agency

  • with AI like Jasper, all you need to do is test and validate 
  • final human sign off is always needed

If you are a content creator

  • Use AI to build skeletons and frameworks and you fill in the blanks
  • no more writer’s block or ideation sessions 
    • just pick a topic generated by AI and execute on it
  • wer

If you are a consultant or a coach (10:10)

  • Use AI to build skeletons and frameworks and you fill in the blanks
  • no more writer’s block or ideation sessions
    • just pick a topic generated by AI and execute on it
  • Extract data from any website and turn it into a spreadsheet or an API with No-Code (Google)
  • e.g. you get notified when your competitor is lowering the price of a product
  • e.g. monitor skilled crypto traders on say DeBank so you know when they are buying/selling anything
  • free version: one check per day