How to set up reCAPTCHA to prevent spam

If you have a contact form on your website and are receiving tons of annoying spam emails, you need to set up Google reCAPTCHA – it’s free.

For WPForms (start watching at 01:00):

  1. go to Google reCAPTCHA > select v3 Admin Console 
  2. select + to register a new site >
  3. You’ll see Site Key and Secret Key
  4. Go to WordPress > WPForms > Settings > CAPTCHA > reCHPTCHA
  5. paste Site Key and Secret Key (from Step #4) > save settings
  6. select reCAPTCHA when you create a new form

For Everest Forms

  1. go to Google reCAPTCHA > select v3 Admin Console 
  2. select + to register a new site >
  3. You’ll see Site Key and Secret Key
  4. Go to WordPress > Everest Forms > Settings > reCAPTCHA 
  5. Select reCAPTCHA v2 > paste Site Key and Secret Key (from Step #4) > save changes


Everest Forms

A few more steps are needed if you use Everest Forms but it’s still pretty straightforward.  Click here for a step-by-step guide.