What makes a good website? Tips and examples

Build a homepage that ranks

  • how to optimize your homepage to rank on Google
  1. state your value proposition and unique selling point as early in your content as possible 
  2. how your product solves their problems
  3. identify authenticity
  4. testimonials to demonstrate trustworthiness 
  5. mobile friendliness
  6. make navigation simple
    • too many options
    • can’t find what they are looking for within 3 clicks
  7. optimize homepage title and meta description
    • brand name + keyword
    • 6 word headlines are best
    • people like “how to” and “lists” that tells them what they are going go get
    • problems you have identified 
    • products you are selling
    • include your brand name
  8. (5:10) go to UberSuggest to look for keywords you can easily rank for
  9. (5:20) Use ClickFlow for A/B testing
  10. include recent blog posts, podcast, etc to improve overall matrix
    • direct people through the whole site
    • keep people longer 
    • reduce bounce rate
  11. close with CTA
    1. go to lead magnet
    2. contact content info

Why is THIS the Perfect Homepage?

1. Introductory section

  • readers should know within 5 seconds what you do, why it matters, and what they need to do to get it
  • intrigue them with the transformation they can get
  • CTA button should be actionable and very specific 
  • hero image gets 6 seconds of attention
    • best option: happy customers

2. Problem/solution section

  • Make the pain point STORY a bit bigger and 95% of people will read all or part of it (1st paragraph)
  • Pages with video en them 86%

3. Benefit sections

4. Testimonials

  • 72% of consumers will take action only after reading a positive review
  • 3 reviews
    • one about overcoming a challenge
    • one about one of your benefits
    • one about results
  • include 5 stars and pictures of the reviewers
  • add review site logos

5. Features

  • 72% of consumers will take action only after reading a positive review
  • 3 reviews
    • one about overcoming a challenge
    • one about one of your benefits
    • one about results
  • include 5 stars and pictures of the reviewers
  • add review site logos

6. FAQs

  • what might stop them from converting? address them here

7. CTA

The Perfect Website Checklist: 7 Must Haves

  • people spend 10-20 seconds on a website on average
  • a homepage should contain enough information so people don’t need to click around to get what they need to know about you and what you offer
    • a more detailed navigation can be put int eh bottom menu
  • put testimonials on homepage
    • focus on the transformation
  • add more CTA buttons on the page can increase conversions by 220%
    • “Book my free consultation” performs way better than “contact us” or “learn more”
  • calendly is free
  • Warm Welcome:
    • video chat bubble that you can use to record a video message instead of using a message chat box on your website

Why simple websites are better

The Best Homepage Layout In Web Design

Mistakes to avoid

  1. lack of content
  2. using sliders
    • very bad click through rates
    • people shouldn’t have to swipe for content 

What to do instead (2:20)

How to layout your home page from top to bottom (follow people’s expectation of a website and do not invent anything funny to confuse them):

  1. answer 3 question before people even scroll down
    • who are you
    • what do you do
    • how can you help me
  2. show the most important products or services
  3. Tell people who you are and why they should choose you
  4. testimonials or case studies or list of brands you have worked with
  5. CTA
    • put a form directly not the page for booking instead of a button or a link

Best layout according to the UX expert (3:55):

  1. who you are, what you do, how you can help
  2. 3 of your most important products/services
    • if you don’t have what they are looking for, you are not helping them
  3. tell them who you are 
    • demonstrate how you stand out from your competition
  4. get them to trust you
    • testimonials, reviews, case studies
  5. CTA