AI for blogging

How to Write a Blog using AI in 10 minutes with free tools (Undetectable & Plagiarism Free)

  • if you don’t want to write anything, you can just enter a blog title and the AI will generate an article for you! (10:50)

Step 2: Get topic ideas (1:50)

  • Blog Workflow > Blog topic ideas

Step 3: Create an outline for a blog (2:30)

  • you can edit by clicking on the content
  • once done, copy and paste it to a word doc

Step 4: Create the content

  • copy & paste the title to the title box
  • copy & paste the outline to the outline box
  • once done, copy and paste everything to a word doc

Step 5: Get image prompts (4:55)

  • Copy the title and content from the word doc 
  • go to Blog Workflow > Image brief for blog post > Create content
  • it generate prompt for AI image generation tools like BlueWillow, Leonardo, Midjourney, etc

Step 6: Create images on BlueWillow (6:00)

  • /imagine (prompt)

Step 7: Create feature image using templates on Canva (7:10)

Step 8: How robotic is your content?